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safe boating

Kids Don’t Float
MIllBay2016-2The Kids Don’t Float program is a RCM-SAR prevention initiative that has been in operation since 2002. Through this program, RCM-SAR will endeavor to reduce the fatality rate and increase public awareness of child drowning issues.

Implementing this program involves the establishment of Personal Flotation Device (PFD) loaner stations established at various harbours and public boat access points. MIllBay2016-2

The KDF loaner program is easy to use. When visiting certain harbours and public boat access points, take an appropriate size lifejacket for your children to use free of charge. Upon completion of their use, return the lifejacket to the loaner station so that it can be used by someone else. RCM-SAR Station 34 has installed three PFD loaner stations located at Mill Bay Marina in Mill Bay, The Bluenoose Marina in Cowichan Bay and Cowichan Bay Fisherman’s Wharf also located in Cowichan Bay.

Pleasure Craft Safety Checks
Pleasure Craft Safety Checks (PCSC) are a way for our trained members to inform boaters of the hazards and safety provisions and requirements to properly operate any size and type of pleasure craft. MIllBay2016-2A PCSC involves an inspection of all safety and other equipment to ensure it is up to date and in safe working condition. The PCSC is a volunteer service free of charge that may take 15-30 minutes depending on the size of the vessel.